Here it goes...
Not sure if others will find interest in this but with the new year felt like I’d take a leap and work toward sharing some tools, tips, etc.
In between a full-time job, private consulting, and family, it can be tough to do this, but going to try my best to be better about sharing.
Over the years conducting Digital Forensics exams involving hundreds of cases and thousands of devices I’ve had to come up with different strategies for handling the more repetitive (but necessary) tasks. Sure, there’s sometimes a canned solution out there, or one that can be tweaked to address these tasks, but sometimes it’s just easier to write up a quick script/tool yourself that does exactly what you need. I by no means will claim to be prolific coder or expert at it, but on occasion have put together a few tools that aim to address various needs that have come up. Some may have no interest or need for these tools but guessing there’s probably others out there that might also find them handy. As most of these tools have been developed to address the needs of close colleagues or just myself, they don’t all have quite the polish I’d like, but are none the less effective. The goal this year is to clean some of these up and start making them available to the DFIR community. How quickly that happens and how often is up in the air but let’s conservatively think of it as a ‘slow-drip’ of releases.
I already have the first tool just about ready to release. So, keep an eye out here for the first drop!